Written by Gary Hogg

Foreword by Bill Maynard

1. *A Lesson For Mister Carson The Parson
2. Mrs McKie And The Mysterious Lumps
3. *Father Tralee And The Infernal Flame
4. Dave The Jackal
5. The Day That Jim Biggins Got Conned
6. *When Cyril Dropped Dead For The First Time
7. *The Warburtons' Disappearing Waistcoat
8. *Walter West And His Denture Adventure
9. When Joe Gow Went To Hell by Mistake
10. Ruby Ruddick's Bad Knees
11. The Amazing Mahatma From Clegg Road
12. *An Elephant's Foot For The Hall
13. *The Lion, The Witch, And The Warburtons
14. Dr McSweet ANd The Mysterious Noise
15. Re-incar-thingummybob
16. *Jim And Maud's Separate Lives
17. Half A Crown A Week
18. Jack And The Beansprouts
19. Joey Ruddick's Bad Language
20. *The Pontificating Chauffeur
21. Ethel And Charlie And Peg And Her Fred
22. Connie The Conductresst
23. *Jacky The Night Watchman's Dog
24. Big Norm Gets Brought Down To Size
25. When Harry Met Bella
26. *Uriah Uses His Loaf
27. Ruby Ruddick's Bad Luck
28. Stan Brown Is So Cool!
29. *The Night Dan Joblin Proposed
30. Isiah O'Dwyer Retires
31. The Amblethwaite Secret Allotment Society
32. Wilfy Spode Looks For Summat To Eat
33. A Monumental Cock Up
34. A Bridge Too Full
35. Amblethwaite Revisited
36. Uncle Bobby's One Ton Pigeon
37. Jack Peake Gets What's Coming
38. O Little Town Of Amblethwaite
39. Wally Kerr And The Ghost Of Christmas Past
40. The Plight Of The Phoenix

Backword by Bernard Wrigley

*included on the CD "Amblethwaite 'Appenings" with musical accompaniment

If you have any queries please feel free to e-mail Bernard.